Funds to promote strategic development and innovation
13. October, 2023

European financial funds to promote strategic development and innovation

The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has approved European financial funds for the implementation of a public tender titled “Support for Strategic Development and Innovation (SRIP) for the period 2023–2026.”

Through this tender, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation contributes to the achievement of a specific objective related to “Developing and Improving Research and Innovation Capacities and the Implementation of Advanced Technologies” within the priority area of “Creative Society with Knowledge” as part of the European Cohesion Policy Program for the period 2021–2027 in Slovenia.

The main purpose of this public tender is to strengthen research, development, and innovation collaboration among independent actors working in specific areas defined in the Slovenian Smart Specialization Strategy (S5). The tender encourages systematic cooperation among stakeholders and the enhancement of expertise in priority areas, with an emphasis on entrepreneurial initiatives and needs arising from the S5 strategy. It also promotes engagement in international value chains (global connectivity). By fostering collaboration among key actors from both cohesion regions, it will contribute to the successful promotion of more balanced regional development when a critical mass is achieved for a breakthrough in development.

The total value of this tender is 9 million euros, of which the European Regional Development Fund will contribute 5,340,690 euros.