25. September, 2023

International Accounting Services: The Art of Globalization

International accounting services are becoming more and more popular as an increasing number of businesses spread to the global market. There is a great benefit in crossing borders and cultures, as it guarantees new audiences and new ways of work. International accounting services help these businesses deal with daily needs for financial reporting, financial accounting, payroll, and more.

22. June, 2023

Establishing a Limited Liability Company in Serbia

If you want to open/establish a limited liability company in the Republic of Serbia, you need to follow the appropriate procedure as well as obtain and prepare the appropriate documentation.

In order to save you time and bring the process of establishing a business company in the Republic of Serbia closer, we have prepared an overview of the most important data related to this process.

22. June, 2023

Establishing a Limited Liability Company In North Macedonia

Are you thinking of opening a limited liability company as a natural or legal person?

The establishment of a limited liability company in North Macedonia follows an established procedure. In order to save you valuable time, we have collected all the necessary information for establishing a D.O.O. (Limited liability company) in North Macedonia in the given brochure, and we will gladly help you with the procedure itself so that you can start a business in Macedonia as soon as possible. Also, we offer you administrative management of the company.