3. December, 2024

Public Call: Voucher for Corporate Restructuring

The Slovenian Enterprise Fund (SPS), in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy, Tourism, and Sport, has announced the V5 voucher for corporate restructuring. The aim of this public call is to enable companies to subsidize the costs associated with consulting and implementing corporate restructuring, which will contribute to improved competitiveness, increased added value, and revenue growth.

Purpose of the public call

The call encourages companies to undertake various forms of corporate restructuring, including:

  • Transitioning from a sole proprietorship (s.p.) to a capital company,
  • Transforming a public limited company (d.d.) into a limited liability company (d.o.o.) and vice versa,
  • Transitioning cooperatives into economic societies and vice versa.

Eligibility conditions

Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises with registered offices in Slovenia that are engaged in economic activity can apply. Required conditions include:

  • Formed as an economic society, sole proprietor, or cooperative,
  • At least one employee on the day of application,
  • All financial obligations must be settled, and the company must not be in forced settlement, bankruptcy, or liquidation.

Financial resources and co-financing

A total of 1.5 million euros has been allocated. Companies can receive grants covering up to 60% of eligible costs:

  • Minimum of 1,000 euros,
  • Maximum of 5,000 euros.

Eligible costs

Eligible costs include:

  • Costs of external consulting services for corporate restructuring,
  • Notary fees,
  • Costs of audit firms or independent auditors with appropriate licenses.

It is important that the corporate restructuring must not be carried out before January 1, 2024.

Application deadline

Applications can be submitted until March 31, 2028.

For more information and assistance with submitting documentation, please contact our advisors via the INQUIRY FORM.

Source: Slovenski podjetniški sklad