2. December, 2024

Call for Proposals for Vouchers in the Wood Industry

The Slovenian Enterprise Fund has announced the call “Voucher for Research, Development, and Design in Wood Processing Companies 24-25,” aimed at increasing competitiveness, growth, and innovation in the wood processing industry through new approaches in research, development, and design. Companies in this sector will be able to improve existing products or develop new ones by involving external experts, thereby strengthening their presence in domestic and international markets.

Objectives of the call

  • Encourage the growth of wood processing companies with innovative solutions.
  • Strengthen collaboration between researchers, designers, and companies in the industry, where a connectivity gap currently exists.
  • Support the development of new products or services that will be competitive in global markets.

Who can apply for the call?

Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises that meet the following conditions can apply:

  • Have at least one employee.
  • Are registered for activities such as:
  1. C16: Processing and transforming wood, production of products from wood, cork, straw, and plaiting materials (except furniture),
  2. C31: Manufacture of furniture (except class C31.03 – manufacture of mattresses).
  • Companies must be registered in the Business Register of Slovenia before December 31, 2022.

Eligible costs

Companies can claim the following costs:

  • For external contractors related to research, development, and design.
  • Purchase of patents. (Note: VAT is not an eligible expense).

Costs must be incurred from the date of the public call until September 30, 2025.

Amount of co-financing

  • Companies can obtain up to 60% co-financing of eligible costs.
  • The minimum subsidy is EUR 1,000, and the maximum is EUR 9,999.99.

For more information and assistance with submitting documentation for the voucher, please contact our advisors at kristina.babnik@unija.com.

Source: Podjetniški sklad